Wrap Column Text in Reports
Occasionally, you might come across a report that's overloaded with numerous columns. This often leads to some data, such as dates and IDs, wrapping onto the next line, which can be quite frustrating,
In just a few simple steps, you can rectify this issue and streamline your report for easier reading.
There are different ways on how you can prevent wrapping of the text. In this blog, I’ll share two options.
First Option
The first option is by using your own class:
First Step
Select the column, and under “Column Formatting”, add the name of your CSS class, in this example. I’m using cc-text-wrap
Second Step
Go to the page properties, and under CSS Inline add the following:
Second Option
The second option is by using a Utility Class available in Universal Theme: u-nowrap, using it the same way as mentioned above under CSS Classes attribute.
That’s all! Now your column won’t wrap even when the screen size becomes smaller. You can also enhance this approach by adding responsiveness and extra customizations to it.